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3. Academic Policies of Interest to the Faculty

3.1 Library Services

Fintel Library is committed to satisfying faculty and student information needs as seen by the services below. See the library’s home page ( to access our resources and learn more about our services. Under “Services for Students and Faculty” navigate to the “Library Liaisons” tab to contact your library liaison to request assistance.

3.1.1 Archives

The Archives includes special items such as College archival records, the Henry H. Fowler and the James R. Olin papers, and old/rare editions of religious, historical and literary works. The Archives is a rich resource of interesting items for many courses in our curriculum.

Faculty Publications- The Archives attempts to acquire a copy of all published works by the faculty. Achieving this goal depends upon faculty participation. Please notify the Archivist of any works you have published (books, journal articles, or media works). Promptness is especially important so that we can order copies before they go out of print. Fintel Library will purchase copies if the faculty member cannot supply the items gratis.

3.1.2 Assisting Students

The Instruction and Research Services Department’s goal is to make students competent users of information resources in various formats (print, media, licensed databases, and publicly available Internet sources) and to become knowledgeable in the bibliography of their subject discipline. We offer instructional sessions for classes and custom design the content with you, based on class assignments. From the home page select “Services for Students and Faculty” then navigate to “Information Literacy & Instruction” ( Classes can be of any size and duration. In addition, students can request personalized Research Appointments directly from the library’s home page to develop their library search strategy and to locate relevant sources for research assignments.

3.1.3 Faculty Carrels

Faculty may request space in a closed carrel for research requiring library materials. Assignments are for a semester. From the library’s home page select the link “Services for Students and Faculty” then navigate to “Library Resources for Faculty” to find more information and a link to the request form.

3.1.4 Government Documents

Fintel Library is a charter institution of the Government Depository system for federal documents. Use the tools cited on our “Government Documents” web page ( and the library’s catalog to locate resources.

3.1.5 Hours

For our current operating hours visit the library’s home page ( Hours for “Archives” are by appointment only. Please email ahead of your visit to make an appointment.

3.1.6 Interlibrary Loan

Consult the “Interlibrary Loan” web page ( for guidelines and request forms to obtain research materials not owned by Fintel Library. Faculty should note that the lending library sets the loan periods and other restrictions. Fintel Library will attempt to renew interlibrary loan material if necessary, but it may not be possible to do so. We request that you plan accordingly.

3.1.7 Loan Policy

Consult the Library Policies web page (under “About Us”) for information regarding library loan periods, how to request and renew items, etc. You can review your patron record from the library’s home page (under Log into your account).

Immediate family members may borrow materials after obtaining a family I.D. card at Campus Safety. Borrowers must always present their card at the Access and Lending Services Desk when checking out books, DVDs, etc.

Faculty members are responsible for the prompt return of borrowed materials in good condition and payment for unreturned or damaged items.

3.1.8 Purchasing Library Materials

Faculty may request books and media for undergraduate research. Faculty may also apply for a library grant to purchase additional materials -- from the library’s home page select the link, “For Faculty” for more information.

Fintel Library provides a subsidized interlibrary loan service to obtain materials for your professional research.

The library, in conjunction with the academic departments, evaluates journal subscriptions on a 4-year cycle to make cancellations and place new subscriptions. Please direct any journal requests to your library liaison.

3.1.9 Reserves

Faculty can put personal or library materials (print, video, electronic, etc.) on Course Reserve (see library home page) so they are accessible to all of the students in a particular class. The library’s Course Reserves web page provides links to requisite copyright guidelines and the appropriate forms. Contact Lending Services (375-2294) if you have questions.

3.1.10 Resources for Research

Fintel Library and Wyndham Robertson Library of Hollins University share a catalog and reciprocal borrowing privileges. You can borrow items from Hollins in person by using your I.D. card or use the catalog to request items to be delivered through the weekday courier service. In addition to books and DVDs, the catalog contains many full-text government documents and thousands of e-books.

The library offers many licensed databases covering all subject disciplines. Some are full-text; some are bibliographic or citation-based; some are streaming video or streaming music. To connect to the library’s licensed databases and electronic resources from off-campus, log in using your campus username and password when prompted.

Fintel Library provides a subsidized Interlibrary Loan service to obtain materials for your professional research (see library home page). In addition, Fintel Library participates in the VIVA Cooperative Borrowing Program. The program permits Roanoke College faculty, staff, and students to borrow materials onsite from any of over 50 Virginia college and university libraries. Users are subject to the borrowing policies of the host institution. You will need to show proof of current affiliation with Roanoke College. For more information, consult your library liaison.

3.2 Statement of Classroom Policies

At the beginning of each course, students shall be given a written statement by the faculty member(s) teaching the course explaining:

1. specific intended learning outcomes for the course;

2. any materials which students are expected to buy, read, or use during the course;

3. attendance policy;

4. grading policy;

5. testing policy;

6. policy with regard to make-up tests;

7. policy with regard to expected number of hours of work completed each week; 102

8. the College's academic integrity policy as it applies to the class; and

9. office location and office hours.

One copy of each syllabus/class policy statement must be given to the department chair and the Assistant Vice President for Academic Operations at beginning of each semester.

3.3 Registrar’s Policies

3.3.1 Pre-Registration

Returning students are pre-registered for fall term courses upon receipt of their deposit to the College. New students are pre-registered during New Student Orientation sessions held in June and are expected to check-in on registration day of their first term of enrollment.

3.3.2 Registration

  1. Returning students pre-register online in the fall and spring, in consultation with their advisors.

  2. Detailed instructions as to the faculty's part in the registration procedure are provided by the Registrar's Office.
    The dates of the registration periods may be found on the Academic Calendar.

  3. Official class rosters are available electronically through Self-Service. A student whose name is not on the
    class roster should not be allowed to attend class. Faculty should report to the Registrar's Office students with
    prolonged absence from class.

  4. Add-Drop notification is sent to the instructors via e-mail. This is the official notification of the student's status.
    The instructor should consider the student a member of the class until the change (drop) has been received. The
    instructor should not consider a student an official member of the class until their name appears on a class roster or add notification has been received.

  5. Courses may be added by students prior to the start of the fourth hour of class.

  6. Department chairs submit course listings in October for the following academic year. The Courses Offered List
    is available in February, with revisions made as needed and reflected in Colleague and Self-Service.

3.3.3 Withdrawal

If a student drops a course, or withdraws from the College, prior to the eleventh full day of classes for a regular fall or spring term, the course is dropped from the student's academic record.

If a student withdraws from a course, or from the College, on or after the eleventh full day of classes for a regular fall or spring term and up to two weeks prior to the last day of classes, the grade designation of "W" will be assigned.

For shorter terms, the drop deadlines are listed below.

Term Length

Drop Before

3 Weeks

3rd Day of Classes

4 Weeks

4th Day of Classes

8 Weeks

6th Day of Classes

A student may withdraw from the College for medical reasons until the beginning of the examination period. All courses are removed from the academic record in cases of medical withdrawal.

Any drop or withdrawal from a course or the College must be authorized by the Office of the Registrar and must be made in writing. The Change to Course Schedule form can be accessed through the Registrar’s webpage at Withdrawal forms are available in the Office of the Registrar. Students considering withdrawal from the College are expected to meet with the Assistant Vice President for Curriculum and Advising.

Students who are either suspended or expelled from a course or from the College for disciplinary reasons will be assigned a final term grade of either "DP" or "DF" by the course instructors as of the date of dismissal if the final examination has not been completed. The only exception would be in the course in which a student has been found responsible for an academic integrity violation and received a penalty of "XF".

3.3.4 Policy for Dropping a Student from a Course Because of Excessive Absences

If a faculty member wishes to drop a student from a course because of excessive absences, an attendance policy must have been stated on the course syllabus or statement of class policies. Subsequently, if a student does not adhere to the course policies, the instructor considering a drop must first send the student a written warning, with a copy to the Registrar and the student's advisor(s). Based on the contents of the warning letter, if future violations occur, the instructor should prepare a written notice to the student that they have been dropped from the course as of a stated date, with the grade of either DP or DF. Copies of the drop notice must be sent to the Registrar and the student's advisor(s).

3.3.5 Records Maintenance

All faculty members are expected to keep an accurate record of their students' grades. Records should be kept for a minimum of four years. If an instructor is on leave or leaves the Faculty, these records are to be placed in the custody of the department chair. Final exams should be retained for at least one semester.

3.3.6 Policy on Class Size

All courses in the regular session with enrollments of five or fewer students may be canceled unless one or more of the following conditions are met:

  1. At least three of the students need the course in the semester in which it is being offered in order to complete the requirements for a major.

  2. The course is offered as a prerequisite for other courses in the major or concentration and cannot be rescheduled for another semester in which it might attract more students.

  3. One or two students need the course to graduate and special arrangements cannot be made within the department (e.g., offering the course on an independent study basis). (Note: When such alternative arrangements can be made within the department, the alternative adopted will not count as part of a faculty member's regular load.)

A "required course" will be interpreted to mean not only those specifically required of all students in a major, but also those electives offered on a rotational basis when that course is the only one available in a particular semester which a student can use to satisfy major requirements.

Maximum class size is determined by agreement between the Assistant Vice President for Academic Operations and Administration and the academic department.

3.3.7 Final Examinations

Courses approved by the faculty ordinarily require final examinations, which are scheduled at the times designated by the Registrar's Office.

Special arrangements, either to substitute some other form of evaluation or to schedule the final examination at a different time, must be approved by the department chair and by the Registrar. In a case when such a change creates a conflict for a student, the student shall have the right to take the exam at the time when it was originally scheduled.

Faculty members should resist pressure from students who wish to leave early. In a multi-section course it is permissible for a student to take an exam with an earlier section if this does not inconvenience the instructor.

A replacement final exam may be given only if an emergency occurs when the regularly scheduled exam is in progress, such as illness on the part of the student. Approval of the instructor and the Assistant Vice President for Academic Operations is required. In addition, a different examination must be given.

3.3.8 College Grading Scale

Student work is graded according to the following scale:

Letter Grade

Quality Points Per Course Unit


























(Work passed under "pass-fail")

Not Assigned


(Voluntary withdrawal from a course up to two weeks prior to the last day of classes. The grade designation "W" will not be counted as a unit attempted and will, therefore, not affect the student's cumulative grade point average.)

Not Assigned


(Voluntary withdrawal passing)

Not Assigned


(Involuntary withdrawal passing)

Not Assigned


(Withdrawn failing)



(Involuntary withdrawal failing)



(Dismissed for violation of academic integrity)


In addition to the above grades, two other notations are used in reporting grades, but these notations do not become a part of the student's permanent record.

IN represents an incomplete and indicates that the student has not completed, for valid reason approved by the instructor, the work of the course. The incomplete work must be submitted to the instructor not later than two weeks after the beginning of the next term, including the summer session, at which time the instructor will assign the final course grade. Grades of IN are not included in determining a student's grade point average. When the IN is converted to a permanent grade the student's GPA will be recalculated.

SP is recorded on the authorization of the Registrar's Office for the student who is under the care of a physician at the time of the examination or who has not completed the work of the course by reason of illness. The work of the course must be completed before the end of the next semester in which the student is enrolled or the SP will automatically become an F. At the beginning of each semester in which a student does not enroll, the grade of SP must be renewed by submission of a physician's statement and approval of the Registrar's Office or it becomes an F.

Students who have received either an IN or an SP and who fail to make up work, or who unsatisfactorily complete their work, will be immediately subject to the rules of academic discipline (warning, suspension) which would have applied when the original course was completed.

A student who is absent from a final examination without valid reason will receive a zero on the examination. If there is valid reason for the absence, the grade of SP or IN may be given.

NG represents no grade and indicates that the instructor does not submit, at the time grades are due, a final grade. A grade of NG is recorded in consultation with the Office of the Registrar. An NG must be converted to a final grade by the end of the next term, including the summer session.

The WP/DP/WF/DF grades reflect the grade in the course as of the date of official withdrawal. The grade designation WP and DP will not be counted as a unit attempted and will therefore not affect the student's grade point average. A WP is recorded only if a student officially withdraws from a course through the Registrar's Office. In each case that the grade designation WF or DF is assigned, the course will be considered as a unit, or partial unit, attempted and will be considered as an F in the computation of the grade point average.

3.3.9 Reporting of Grades

  1. Mid-term grades must be recorded online for all students.

  2. Final grades must be recorded online at the end of each semester within the time limit designated by the Registrar. Grades should not be e-mailed to students for reasons of confidentiality.

  3. Examinations and other incomplete course work must be completed within two (2) weeks after the beginning of the next term (excluding the Intensive Learning term). Grades must be reported to the Registrar no later than one week after the incomplete work has been submitted.

3.3.10 Changing of a Final Letter Grade

  1. A change to a final letter grade may be submitted no later than one year after the date final grades are due for the term in question.

  2. A change must be submitted by the instructor of the course in question to the following people in the order listed:

    a. Department Chair
    b. Assistant Vice President for Academic Operations

An approved grade change is then forwarded to the Registrar for recording.

If the faculty member who taught the course is no longer employed by the College, the chair of the department may submit the request for grade change. If the grade change originates with a department chair, the change must be submitted to the following people in the order listed:

a. Assistant Vice President for Academic Operations
b. Dean/Vice President for Academic Affairs

  1. The faculty member requesting the grade change must substantiate the need for the change.

  2. A change may be approved only on the basis of:

    a. Correction of an instructor’s non-evaluative error (i.e., miscalculation of the grade or error in recording a grade)
    b. Ultimate identification of unsigned course work
    c. Implementation of departmental policy as published in the catalog

  3. A change will not be approved for work turned in after the final grades are submitted (except in the case of an IN, NG or SP).

  4. A change whose purpose is to raise academic standing, graduate or re-gain a financial award will not be approved.

3.3.11 Freshman Advising

All newly enrolled freshmen and transfer students are assigned an academic advisor. Freshman advising is both developmental and academic in nature. Our first-year advising model is wrapped in a course, ROA 101 – The Maroon Difference. The advising model and course goals include building community, transitioning to college, and connecting with students, faculty and staff. ROA 101 instructors serve as the student’s advisor for the first year and consist of faculty and staff. Students remain with their first-year advisor through their first year to continue their connection. Once a student declares their major, a faculty advisor will also be assigned within the program. The Advising Program is coordinated by the Director of Academic Advising, who reports to the Assistant Vice President of Curriculum and Advising in the Dean’s office.

3.3.12 Upper Division / Declared Major Advising

Upon meeting the requirements for declaration of the major, the student is assigned a faculty advisor from within the appropriate department. The department chair or program coordinator makes assignment of a major advisor. The Director of Advising partners with the professional staff in the Goode-Pasfield Center for Learning and Teaching to ensure that advising services are available to students year around.

3.3.13 Goode-Pasfield Center for Learning and Teaching

Faculty may refer to the Goode-Pasfield Center for Learning and Teaching those students who seem likely to profit from the special programs of assistance offered. The Goode-Pasfield Center for Learning and Teaching administers the following:

Subject Tutoring Program

The Writing Center

Academic Coaching

Accessible Education Services

Study Skills Assistance

RC Success Program

Programs are open to all students, except the RC Success Program, which is by invitation. Students are encouraged either to make appointments online or to drop by to seek assistance; they may also be referred by faculty.

3.3.14 PLACE (formerly the Office of Career Services)

PLACE (Purpose, Life and Career Exploration) is the on-campus center dedicated to helping students and recent graduates in developing, evaluating, and effectively implementing career and life plans. PLACE offers: one-onone advising and career counseling; self-assessments; connections to internships, jobs placements, graduate schools, and other meaningful experiences; access to Alumni for mentoring and building professional networks; partnerships with academic departments; and other programming to support student development. Students are encouraged to begin the planning process in their first year.

Faculty who wish to include career-related assignments in their courses are encouraged to communicate this information in advance so that the PLACE is properly prepared to assist students. We’re also glad to speak to your classes upon request. Our assistance is also available to faculty advisors as related to career advising for students. References and resources are found on the website at this link:

Faculty who need to cancel a class for any reason -- a meeting/conference you must attend, illness, other personal emergencies that might arise -- consider letting a PLACE staff member use that class block to make a presentation to your students. We’ll work together to customize a topic most appropriate to the students’ year(s) in school, or on a specific topic you’d like to request.

3.4 Other Academic Programs and Policies

3.4.1 Program Evaluation Process

Program evaluation guidelines specify that all academic major, general education, and honors programs be formally evaluated at least once every eight years, through a program evaluation process. The system was established by the Dean of the College in cooperation with the Dean’s Council to ensure programs are nationally competitive and distinctive. Each program evaluation is facilitated by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment consistent with the process outlined in the evaluation guidelines. Using core data provided by the Director of Institutional Research as well as benchmark data from other institutions, the department chair, in consultation with program faculty, conducts a self-study preparing a report assessing program strengths and weaknesses. For the review of the general education program, the self-study is completed by the Assistant Vice President for Curriculum and Advising with the General Education Committee (GEC). For the review of the honors program, the self-study is completed by the Director of the Honors Program with the Honors Program Advisory Group (HonorsPAG).

Typically, for each program under review, external evaluators review the self-study and other relevant institutional data and craft an external evaluator report. An independent advisory panel is formed only if requested by the Dean, department chair, GEC or HonorsPAG. When needed, faculty members for panels are recommended by FAC and appointed by the Dean.

Using the self-study report, the external evaluators' report, and the panel recommendations (if applicable), the chair and/or coordinator (academic majors) or program director (general education and honors) works with program faculty and the Dean of the College to develop a 5-year strategic plan.

3.4.2 Academic Integrity

Every faculty member and every student should be familiar with the brochure Academic Integrity at Roanoke College. The brochure describes the Academic Integrity system at Roanoke College, defines the violations and penalties, describes the constitution and procedures of the Academic Integrity Council, and clarifies the responsibility of faculty members for enforcing the system. In addition, there are examples of various violations of academic integrity, which faculty members should make sure their students understand.

Each course syllabus must contain a statement that addresses the importance of academic integrity. Any specific expectations for integrity in the particular course should be emphasized. Every faculty member is responsible for upholding the principle of academic integrity at the College (see Section

Faculty members who serve on the Academic Integrity Council are appointed by the President. Faculty who agree to serve may be subject to any legal action taken as a result of a Council Board or Panel decision.

3.5 Academic Services

3.5.1 Information Technology

Information Technology provides the infrastructure and computing support for internal administrative and academic systems for all students, faculty, and staff.

Among the services offered by IT are:

  • High-speed internet and WIFI access

  • Microsoft O365 email/one drive and network storage areas

  • Support with telephone services including voicemail and a comprehensive Faculty/Staff/Student directory available at

  • Installation, configuration, maintenance, and repair of college-owned hardware; general computer and software questions

  • Hardware and software support of educational technology. Various media equipment is available for checkout at the Fintel Library circulation desk, including digital cameras, digital video cameras, voice recorders, laser pointers, HD projectors, and laptops

  • A Helpdesk, which is available during all business hours for assistance with common software and hardware issues. Assistance can also be obtained through our ticketing system by emailing

For more information, please visit or contact the IT Helpdesk via phone: 540-375-2225 or email: Business hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

3.5.2 Campus Store

The College's Campus Store is a retail operation located in the lower level of the Colket Student Center, providing students, faculty, and staff with general books, Roanoke College memorabilia, gifts, clothing, and school supplies. Faculty personal purchases are discounted 10 percent (excluding sale items). Purchases for departments will be discounted and may be charged by persons designated by the department chair. All charges to departments must be made on the department Maroon Card. The Maroon Card must be presented to the cashier when making the charge. The Campus Store will also place special orders for individuals or departments. Students will need to purchase their course materials through the Roanoke website. The student can choose to have their materials shipped to their homes or to the Campus Store for pick up. Textbooks

All orders for textbooks and course supplies must be placed through the College Campus Store. Textbook orders should include lead author’s last name, title, ISBN, publisher, course information (department abbreviation, course number and section letter), and contact information. Faculty members should place their orders by sending an email with this information to the textbook manager, Kristi Kirby at or by phoning the Textbook Department at (540) 378-5123. Textbook adoptions should be submitted to the textbook manager as listed below:

Spring Semester

November 1

Intensive Learning Term

April 1

Summer Session

May 1

Fall Semester

June 15

Desk and review copies are the responsibility of the faculty member; however, the Campus Store will be happy to provide contact information. Faculty Supply

Faculty and Staff can purchase any office supply items that are stocked in the Campus Store. Items that are not available in the Campus Store can be ordered from Office Depot. Roanoke College has an agreement with Office Depot to furnish office supplies to departments at special discount pricing. Usually the supplies can be delivered directly to the department the next business day after the order is placed. Each department should have a catalog with a complete list of products available.

3.5.3 Faculty Administrative Assistant Services

Each academic department is assigned a department administrative assistant.

3.5.4 Print Shop

The Print Shop, located on the ground level of Life Science Building, offers a multitude of services which include color printing, laminating, wide-format printing and a variety of finishing services such as folding, creasing, binding, cutting, etc. All requests should be submitted to the Print Shop via the Online Order Form (PSP Webdesk) located at While most jobs can be completed the same day, we ask for submission at

least two (2) business days in advance of the date needed. Job costs (click charges, paper, bindings, etc.) are charged to the ordering department. The Print Shop also offers services for personal use outside the College. Credit Cards and Maroon Money are acceptable forms of payment for these personal services. Questions can be submitted to

3.5.5 Lost and Found

Articles found at the College should be turned in immediately to the Colket Center.

3.5.6 Directory

A directory of faculty, staff, and students is available on the College’s webpage and portal.

3.5.7 College Motor Pool

The College maintains a fleet of vans for use by faculty and staff while on College business. The Office of Campus Safety administers the motor pool. The user must supply an account number to which the mileage rate is charged. Reservations are made online at See Section 2.9.10 for driver qualifications.

Employees using motor pool vehicles are expected to adhere to the procedures and regulations contained in these guidelines. Any misdemeanor or criminal conviction resulting from an employee driving a College motor pool vehicle will be evaluated and may be grounds for disciplinary action (see Section Employees driving college vans must complete a van safety program sponsored by the Office of Campus Safety. Contact the Associate Director of Campus Safety for further information.

Roanoke College will not be liable for fire, theft, damage or personal injury involving employees' automobiles. Accidents should be reported to the Office of Campus Safety.

3.5.8 Dining Services and Catering (Dining Options)

The Sutton Commons (“Commons”) offers an “all-you-care-to-eat” dine-in experience for students, faculty, staff, and guests. Faculty receive a discount off of the door price. The Commons offers a reusable to-go option (green OZZI containers) or a disposable to-go container. To use the OZZI option, you must provide a coin at the checker's station in exchange for the container and beverage and dessert container if needed. Non-student meal plan holders may purchase a coin at the checker's station for $6.00. Guests who choose to get their food to-go may not dine in Sutton Commons. Reusable to-go containers must be returned to the OZZI kiosk located in the Colket Center atrium within 24 hours of use. The kiosk will dispense a new coin upon return of the container. Guests who opt out of using the OZZI reusable container may receive a disposable container. The Commons’ menu is posted on the daily announcements, outside of the main entrance, or on the Roanoke Inside website.

Campus partners and visitors may desire to pay for groups to get meals in the Sutton Commons. Please coordinate these requests with Roanoke College Catering Services and provide at least 72 hours advance notice.

While Dining isn’t always able to manage the number of guests who dine in the Commons, they can confidently advise that the busiest weekday times are often 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Often, a queue is formed for guests waiting to enter. In order to best serve all guests, we ask that you please be mindful and hold your place in line for entry

Dining’s newly renovated Cavern offers a convenience store-style and late-night dining option on campus. The Cavern offers a la carte retail menu options of made-to-order sandwiches, wraps, burgers, subs and salads; along with convenience items and bottled beverages. The Cavern is open Monday – Friday lunch through late-night and evenings and late-night on Saturday. The Cavern is usually closed during breaks in the academic calendar or during the summer months.

Rooney’s Brews in the Fintel Library is also operated by Dining Services. Proudly serving Starbucks coffee products, along with teas, Chai, bottled beverages, pastries and baked goods, sandwiches, salads and other delicious items. This location is open Monday through Friday during the academic year.

Freshens Fresh Food Kitchen is located at 15 North College Avenue and is the first nationally-branded retail concept on campus. Freshens serves smoothies, flatbread sandwiches, wraps, rice bowls, salads, acai bowls and rotating trending menu items. Starbucks hot and cold coffee options, Pepsi fountain drinks, and bottled water are also available.

Keep an eye out for Concessions food services supporting many Maroon Athletics events on the MAQ, in the Cregger Center, or in Bast Gym. Dining Services’ new food truck can be found around campus and around the region.

Meals in the Commons or retail dining locations may be purchased with Maroon Money, cash or credit cards. Department charges are also accepted when on official Roanoke College business. Dining Services will also be allowing online ordering of your meal in many of our retail locations. You will need to download the app on your phone and payment will be made at the time of the order. The link can be found on the Dining Services website.

Roanoke College Catering Services is poised to assist you in planning for your catering needs, and can service events being held on- or off-campus. Catering can provide a wide array of services, from coffee breaks, box lunch options, receptions, served meals or buffets for almost any size group. Please understand that Dining Services has the right of first refusal in many campus buildings when department funds are being used. Events using catering from the regular catering menu are eligible for a discount when paid for using a department account number. To see Catering’s policies or to place an order via the Spoonfed link, please visit You may contact Catering via email at or call extension 9940.

For any Roanoke College Dining Services related questions or for additional information about any of our locations or services, please contact us at Extension 2328, or via email at

3.5.9 Monterey

Monterey provides a comfortable area for small faculty meetings and social gatherings and temporary lodging for campus visitors such as people being recruited for faculty positions. Policies pertaining to the main floor use and the scheduling of that space can be reserved by completing a Room and Facilities Request Form online. All policies for that space can be viewed at Roanoke College Dining Services is the exclusive provider of any catering services being done in Monterey

Policies pertaining to the use and scheduling of the lodging facilities on the second floor can be found at and are done through the Coordinator – Campus Center/Student Activities, ext. 2307.