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5. Student Policies of Interest to the Faculty

Most policies concerning student life at the College are contained in the following reference materials: the Student Handbook, the Student Conduct Code, and Academic Integrity at Roanoke College. Copies of each are available on the College’s website. For information not contained within these documents, faculty should contact the Dean of Students Office. The student conduct system is administered by the Assistant Dean of Students. The academic integrity system is administered by the Chair of the Academic Integrity Council and the Assistant Vice President for Academic Operations.

5.1 Confidentiality of Student Records

Faculty should be aware that legislation (e.g., the "Buckley Amendment") guarantees the confidentiality of data concerning student records. Faculty should therefore not release and/or reveal any such information to anyone other than appropriate College personnel without ascertaining whether students have authorized such dissemination. The Registrar is the Privacy Act Coordinator.

The College distributes an annual notice to students concerning the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974:

On June 17, 1976, regulations of Section 437, amendment to Part C of the General Education Act, as amended, became effective. This amendment, known as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, pertains to educational records, defined as records which are directly related to a student and maintained by an educational institution. Roanoke College is required by Section 438 to give annual notice to eligible students in attendance of their rights under Section 438. Under this section, eligible students shall be permitted access and review of educational records maintained by the particular educational institution. Eligible students shall also have the right to file complaints under Paragraph 99.63 concerning alleged failure by the institution to comply with Section 438 of the Act.

Needless to say, the regulations are somewhat lengthy and detailed, and further information, restrictions, and requirements are set forth in a policy established by Roanoke College and available through the Registrar's Office.

Roanoke College publishes annually an online student directory containing the name, address (home and College), telephone number, and post office box number of each student. The information contained in this directory, prepared by Roanoke College for the use of its employees and students, is the property of the College and its unauthorized use is prohibited. Roanoke College designates the following categories of student information as public or “Directory Information.” The College may disclose such information at its discretion

Current Enrollment Status
Local Address
Home Address
Local Telephone Number
Home Telephone Number
Campus E-mail address
Date and place of birth
Dates of attendance
Grade Level (Classification)
Schedule of Classes
Previous Institutions Attended
Major Field(s) of study
Minor Field(s) of study
Concentration(s) of study
Awards and honors
Photographic or videotaped imaged
Participation in officially recognized sports and activities, including fraternities and sororities
Physical factor of athletes (height and weight)

Requests for non-disclosure may be made by currently enrolled students. To withhold disclosure, written notification must be made to the Roanoke College Registrar’s Office. Requests are in effect from the date received in writing from the student until rescinded in writing by the student. Students should understand that, by withholding directory information, some information considered important to students might not reach them.

Note: This policy does not include the release of any information regarding a student’s grade point average or academic standing. Release of information of this type is only allowed with the written consent of the student.

The above policy is in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and has been reviewed by a representative of the Family Policy Compliance Office of the U.S. Department of Education. Questions regarding this policy may be directed to the Registrar’s Office.

In accordance with HB1, passed by the Virginia General Assembly and effective July 1, 2018, access to the Roanoke College online directory, which includes faculty, staff and students, is locked and only accessible through log in using a Roanoke College username and password.

The College's policy statement regarding the handling of student records is as follows:

5.1.1 Availability to the Student

  1. Students have the right to inspect only their official educational records and are entitled to an explanation of any information in those records.

  2. Students are entitled to the transcript of their academic record. A transcript issued to the student or former student will be labeled as "unofficial copy issued to the student." Official transcripts of academic record, bearing the seal of the College, are issued only to institutions or agencies at the direct request of the student or former student concerned (or to the student, in a sealed envelope, in which case the breaking of the seal voids the official transcript).

  3. The Office of the Registrar will honor student requests for an academic transcript to be faxed to a third party. However, any transcript remitted by fax will bear the stamp "UNOFFICIAL.”

  4. Documents submitted by or for students in support of the application for admission, transfer credit, readmission, etc., will not be returned to them, nor sent elsewhere at their request. (For example, a transcript from another college or secondary school will not be sent to a third institution or agency.) In exceptional cases however, if the Registrar is able to determine that another transcript is unattainable or could be secured only with the greatest difficulty (as is sometimes true of international records), copies may be prepared and released by the Registrar, on the basis of a signed request by the student, to prevent hardship to the student. A copy of those records will be identified by the Registrar as a certified copy of information available in the student's file.

5.1.2 Statement of Posting Final Grades

According to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), it is against Federal law to post grades, final or otherwise, using students' personally identifiable information. Faculty should refrain from posting any grades. Course grading information is available using Inquire and final grades are available using Self-Service. Grades should not be reported via e-mail for security reasons.

5.1.3 Disclosure to Parents, Educational Institutions and Agencies

  1. Transcripts or grade reports may be released to the person or persons responsible for the financial support of the student (as documented on a U.S. Federal Income Tax Return) unless the student explicitly requests in writing that such release is not authorized.

  2. Transcripts and/or grade reports will not be released to a philanthropic organization providing support for a student without specific prior written approval from the student.

  3. Requests from valid research organizations recognized by the College may be honored without prior approval, but in such cases no information will be released revealing the student's name or other personally identifiable information.

  4. Requests for transcripts or other academic information from recognized institutions of education may be honored if the Dean and the Registrar of the College consider the request to be valid.

5.1.4 Disclosure to Faculty and Administrative Officers of Roanoke College

  1. Faculty and administrative officers who are considered by the Registrar of the College to have legitimate interest in and an academic need to know will be permitted to review the academic records of any student.

  2. The contents of the folder of the student will not be distributed outside the Office of the Registrar except as specifically authorized by the Registrar. In those cases a representative of the Office of the Registrar will transport the material to and from the other authorized on-campus location where the material is to be reviewed.

5.1.5 Release of Transcripts of Academic Records

Transcripts of academic records will not be released outside the institution without specific written request of the student.

5.1.6 Disclosure to Government Agencies

  1. Properly identified representatives from federal, state, or local governmental agencies may be given only the following information, if expressly requested.

    1. Verification of enrollment as a student

    2. Verification of date and place of birth

    3. Degrees earned, if any

    4. Title of major and honors received

    5. Verification of signature

  2. Additional information will be released only on the written authorization of the student. It must be remembered that in certain cases of application for employment, the applicant, as part of that process, may authorize a review of records by the prospective employer.

  3. If a court should subpoena the records of a student or former student, the College will make every effort to notify the student concerned of the receipt of the subpoena by the institution.

  4. The College will provide information to the Selective Service System with the written permission of the student.

5.1.7 Disclosure in Response to Telephone Inquiries

Directory information will not be released in response to telephone inquiries.

5.1.8 Disclosure to Other Individuals and Organizations

Information will not be released to other individuals and organizations unless the request is accompanied by a release signed by the student.

5.1.9 Student Directories

Directories are published online by the College for use only within the College community and will not be released by the College to any outside individual or agency. Neither College employees nor students should provide copies of the directory to individuals who are not members of the student body or faculty or administrative staff, or to outside institutions, agencies, or commercial organizations. Access to the online directory requires logging in using a Roanoke College username and password.

Please refer to Section 5.1 for a complete policy on the release of directory information.

5.1.10 Withholding Requested Information

The College will not release transcripts or other information as authorized and/or requested by the student if there are unmet financial obligations to the College.

5.2 Use of College Facilities

The Office of the Director of Student Activities and the Colket Center has responsibility for confirming reservations of College facilities for all activities other than scheduled academic credit classes and labs, which are scheduled through the Registrar's Office. Therefore, any requests to reserve college facilities should be made through the Office of the Director of Student Activities and the Colket Center (Information Desk) or using the online reservation form:

5.3 Student Conduct Council

The operation of the Student Conduct Council is detailed in the Student Handbook and the Student Conduct Code. Faculty may be asked to serve on the Council by the Dean of Students or their designee.

5.4 Policy for Student Complaints Involving Faculty Members

It is the policy of Roanoke College to provide an effective and acceptable means for a student to bring problems or complaints to the attention of the institution for review and resolution. Since students are full and responsible members of the Roanoke College community, any complaint must be brought by a current or former student and not by any interested third party. The following procedure ensures that both the student and faculty member are treated fairly and that the student’s complaint can be addressed in the most efficient and direct manner. All administrative officers, faculty members, and staff are expected to direct students to follow this procedure.

When a student has a concern or complaint involving a faculty member (including but not limited to grade complaints and concerns about evaluation procedures), the following steps are to be followed. (Note: Complaints alleging sexual harassment or other forms of sexual misconduct are dealt with according to the Sexual Misconduct Policy) (see sec. 2.9.7 and 2.9.8).

  1. The student should first be encouraged to discuss the matter with the faculty member involved.

  2. If the student is uncomfortable dealing directly with the faculty member or if the concern is not resolved satisfactorily with the faculty member, the student should discuss the matter with the appropriate department chair or program director. (The student should discuss the matter with the Assistant Vice President for Academic Operations if the concern involves a department chair or program director; or the Dean of the College if the concern involves the Assistant Vice President for Academic Operations).

  3. If the student has consulted with the department chair or other appropriate supervisor, and still believes that the matter has not been dealt with satisfactorily or equitably, the student should meet with the Assistant Vice President for Academic Operations. (A complaint involving the Assistant Vice President for Academic Operations should be submitted to the Vice President and Dean of the College). After this point, the student must prepare, sign, and submit a formal written appeal (including background of the problem and supporting documentation when applicable) to the Assistant Vice President for Academic Operations.

  4. Within one working day of the receipt of the written appeal, the Assistant Vice President for Academic Operations will provide the faculty member with a copy of the appeal, and within seven working days, the Assistant Vice President for Academic Operations will then begin to investigate the matter. The Assistant Vice President for Academic Operations will individually consult with the student, faculty member, and department chair or program director. The faculty member will be given adequate time (at least seven days, although additional time may be granted at the discretion of the Assistant Vice President for Academic Operations and opportunity to provide the Assistant Vice President with a response to the student’s complaints. The Assistant Vice President for Academic Operations will rule on the issue in a timely fashion (as determined by the nature of the complaint), and will provide a written copy of the decision to the student, faculty member, and chair or director. This letter will include the statement of the student’s right to initiate the complaint and formal appeal process that has transpired, as well as a reminder of the student's right to be free from subsequent unfair actions as a result of the complaint proceedings.

    a. (Note: the College has established policies to ensure that a student will not be subject to unfair actions as a result of initiation of a complaint proceeding. See Section on grounds for dismissal and Section on the AAUP Statement of Professional Ethics.)

  5. Faculty members who are subject to accusation, investigation, or censure by any other procedure have the right to file a grievance with the Faculty Grievance Committee (see 2.16). Faculty members may also file a grievance based on substantive grounds.

  6. Documentation will be maintained for all formal appeals. The Assistant Vice President for Academic Operations will provide an annual report to the Associate Vice President for Human Resources, providing a record only of formal student complaints that resulted in a judgment against a faculty member. All written materials will be kept in the office of the Assistant Vice President for Academic Operations for a minimum of five years, and may be reviewed by appropriate accrediting or evaluation bodies.